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The erotic babysitter

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Her house
Langauge: Englis
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well my mom and dad go out to this wine resturant, and left me, my little brother and the babysitter Delanie. Delani was a year older than me and really hot. My parents were gone my brother was a sleep and me and her were in the living room. We were watching nickelodeon, Disney channel, and teen nick. Than she says that she wants to watch a movie that might be a little inappropriate for me do I go to my room. I come back down to get a snack thinking that every thing was fine. When I see her shorts off her masturbating and watching a porno. I watch her masturbating for about 8 minutes. I walk back up to my room and then come back down as if. Itching happened. First thing she see’s me she pulls her shorts back up and turns off the t.v. She asks what I was doing up and I ask why her shorts were off and then she starts to beg to not tell her parents. So I say I won’t tell her parents if she does something for me. So she guesses and then after the fifth guest she says, ” how about we have sex”. So I sit next to her and she totally French kisses me for three minutes!!! Next thing you know her shorts, shirt, braw, and panties. She gives me a blow job, I lick her pussy, I fuck her in 6 different positions and then we were done. We get clothes and go to my room, we fuck there and in the shower, the bathtub. Best night of my life. We go back down stairs and watch tv til our parents got home.

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