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The Field

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My parents cabin
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

OK, so last sumer I went with my parents up north, like i always do, every summer. It’s pretty much the same every time. We go in the begining of the summer, spend a few weeks and go home. It’s not terribly borring, but there is never any one my age up there. The cabin is in the woods, on Lake Michigan, the scenery is beautiful, and lonely. All you can do up there is relax and spend your days tanning, and playing tennis.
As I was saying, last summer was pretty much like any summer, except for Terran. His family had just bought a cabin on the same road as ours. I first saw him early my fist morning there. I was “trying” to sleep in, and someone was riding a dirtbike thrugh the trails at 7am! One of the trails runs near our house, so i stalked out into the woods in my PJ’s, prepared to knock that ass of his bike with my pillow. Well needless to say, I didnt succeed, he slowed down at the sight of a girl in the middle of the woods in stalking something with a pillow. He came up behind me and teased that “a pillow is no way to hunt for food”. We had a good laugh out of it, especially when i told him I was stalking him.
We spent a lot of time together after that. He was a few years older than me, but we were the only people up there under 30. we got along great, we had everything in common. Even though we had only known each other for a few short weeks, I could feel us falling for each other.
He and his parents were staying up there for the entire summer, but the day that I would have to go home was coming up fast. We made plans to keep in touch, but it was still very sad times. Early in the morning, the day I was to leave, he stoped by our cabin on his dirtbike and offered to take me for a ride. He said he knew of clearing, in the woods, where he had spoted a family of deer. I had never been on a motorcycle of any kind, so i was very scared, but i trusted terran.
The ride seemed to last forever, but I didnt care. I held him so tighly even though he was going slow as to not scare me. I had my eyes closed the whole time, just hopeing I didn’t fall off. When we finally got there he had to make me open my eyes. The field was soooo beautiful. There was a small hill in the middle. We went and layed in the warm grass on the side of that hill, wating quietly to sight the family of deer. He held me and we talked about where we would be when the summer ends. We realized that this might be the last time we would ever be together.
I don’t know what got into us at that point. we started kissing and things got very heated. He took off his shirt and folded it up under my head. I never thought I wold ever experience any thing like that. Let alone out in the middle of a huge clearing, in the middle of the woods. All I know is that i will never forget it. The smell of the trees and the wild flowers, and the feeling of being naked in the warm grass, with the one person that I loved. I wanted to stay there in that moment with Terran forever. And I will, IF only in my dreams.

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