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The future Mrs. Right

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was raised in a christian home, so it was preached to me from a very young age, that I was to wait until I was married. I never bought into that, but I did want to be in love (Not confident in my abilities, I felt that someone I was in love with would be more forgiving). Well, I finally met the future Mrs. Right. She was also a christian, but really wanted to wait until she was married. Respecting her and hoping to spend the rest of my life with her, I decided to wait. Besides, she liked to “play” anyway.

We were engaged for 6 months, and were going to married in another 6 months, when we were “playing” in my room. We started kissing, and I started touching her breasts under her shirt. I took off her shirt, and mine. We layed down on top of each other and started to rub together. She smiled and took off her bra and pants, and I took off mine. We were in our underwear, making out. I continued to rub her breast with my right hand and carress her bottom with my left. I took my right hand and started to rub her crotch through her panties, and then moved my hand inside. Touching her clitoris, she began to moan, and her kisses became more passionate. She reached inside my underwear and stroked my penis (which is average size). She backed off, and suggested we “dry hump” without our pants (which we’d done quite a few times without leading to anything). We laid on each other and rubbed our bodies together, which usually felt better for her than for me, but I enjoyed when she got off, and usually, afterward she’d stroke me off. She was really enjoying it, when she told me to stop. She whispered to me that she didn’t to wait any more. Expecting to wait until we were married, I didn’t have any protection. Already being on top of her, I took my penis and inserted it into her vagina. We made love for about 5 minutes, then I pulled out, and finished her orally. Afterwards, she stroked me the rest of the way.

From that point on, she actually preferred to make love than “playing”. We of course, played it safe. After all, we shared our decision to wait with our family, and how would it look if we got pregnant early. I’m glad my first time was with someone I loved. We got married, and had a child a year later.

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