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the god

Age when it happend: my friends house
Where it happened: her parents bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It all started the first day of spring break my friend wasving a party cuz her parents were out of town.she invited a whole bunch of people practicly the whole high school and even this guy i realy like he was so hott. his name was Irvin. he was one of those people that every one knows and likes. he was older then me by a couple years but that didnt matter back then.welll that day after school i had gone over to help her decorate for the party she was one of those spoided people with lots of money. so her house was huge like three stories.well like around 7:00 the people started coming every one was there exept for Irvin. i was sad. but right then i saw him come in it brought a smile on my face, but as soon as i was thinking about how happy i was i saw a girl on his arm i was about to sceam i wasso pissed of.but i couldnt do any thing about it so i just went on pretending to have a good time knowing the guy i like was with some tramp. later on in the night every one became wasted. and thats when i saw him dancin all by him self. at first i had though that his girlfriend wasw coming back till i heard that they had broke up and they came together because her car was in the shop i was so happy so i got the courage to go up to him and ask him to dance. amazingly he said yes. so as we were dancing he whispered in my ear how long he ahs been wanting to get with me and he asked me out of corse i said yes. so we were going out it was my dream come true well it was around 11:00 and he we were in my friends parents bed room scaming and being all over each other till he reached in his pocket and pulled out a trojan. my heart stopped i didnt know what i was going to do. i had told hinm thath i had never gone so far and replayed “i you dont want to you dont have to” he made me feel so comftable and ready so i said “its ok i think im ready” thats when the party really started i was so scared and felt so stupid not knowing what the hell i was doing. then we ended up under the covers he was on top of me leading the way. it hurt so bad the first time he put it in. i flet like i was going to scream put i became tough and just kept it in.after a couple times i became use to the feeling so it didnt hurt as bad. he was sucking on my neck and on my breast. in felt like i was in a dream cause i had never been in that spot before. at the end of all that pain. i felt relieved that it was over. i was so haooy i had lost it to the guy i had longed for since the day i set my on on his body and face. he looked like a god. after that i had to have him so i did and i even got more.

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