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The Great Outdoors

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: the woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well i was fourteen and my best i haven’t seen my best friend, Jason in about two years. my mom suprised me with saying that jason was gonna spend the day at my house. we picked him up and the sparks flew once more. we were at my house and we decided to go for a walk. i lived right by a levee with woods behind it. so jason and i continued on with our expedition and he made a comment about us having sex. me being the scared virgin got kinda uncomfortable. we started kissing and i had these feelings in my body that i have never felt before. he reassured me that we didn’t have to do it but i went with the flow. he was a virgin also. we was in the broad daylight and i was afraid that we was gonna get caught but my body would not let me stop. he was kissing me all over my body and was groping me and playing with my virgin pussy. i was suprised by the pain when he penetrated me. i was almost crying. but after a few minutes, i was fine. jason and i had sex for like 45 minutes. for my first time that was too long! i really enjoyed my first time and my first love. me and jason still mess around and it’s been 4 years.

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