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The Hired Hand

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: My bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I came home from my first year in college at the University of Wisconsin to discover that my Dad had hired a young man to help him on the farm. He was letting him stay in the room off the second floor in the large barn, out back. His name was Nick, and I guessed he was probably 25 or 26. I worked with him off and on out in the field, and sort of got to know him. He was about 6’5″ tall and around 180 lbs. Very good looking.

Two weeks ago my Mom and Dad drove into town and I was sleeping kind of late in my own room. The next thing I knew I felt someone naked next to me in bed. There was no mistaking the hard dick that was pressing against my butt. I gradually aweoke and discovered it was Nick. He started kissing my shoulders and neck. It felt real good. Then he whispered in my ear, “Do you want to fuck. I’ll be real gentle.” I hardly knew what to say. I’d never had intercourse before, but had heard from some of my girlfriends that it was really great. So, I didn’t resist at all. And the next thing I knew he was probing my vagina with his erection. After a few thrusts, he was completely into me and was pumping away. It did feel wonderful!I loved the warmth of his erection inside me.Then he came in me several times, and I realized he could be getting me pregnant. Then he told me he was sterile, and not to worry. After an hour or so, he got dressed again and went out to the fields to work. My first time was great.

My second time, a few days later, was even better — in his room in the barn.

Tonight will be our third time — right here in my bed. love his cock!!

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