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The Joy Of Sex

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: Hotel Room in Hawaii
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

This story may seem somewhat weird, but it’s true.

My boyfriend, Rob, and I decided to wait until we were married to have sex. We had been taught that this was the right thing to do. But, we were curious about sex, and we wanted to know everything there was to know about it, so we would be ready when the time came.

So, when we were in college we bought a copy of “The Joy of Sex,” and we explored its contents together for about a year or so before we graduated. We had no problem with nudity and actually enjoyed seeing each others bodies, and so, either in his dorm room or mine we would take off our clothes and sit on the bed, reading “The Joy of Sex” to each other. First he would read a chapter and then I would. And we would explore the diagrams in great detail and actually compare our body parts as we looked at the ones in the book. Believe it or not, we also used a magnifying glass at times to look at each others intimate parts, so we knew exactly what they looked like and what they were meant to do. We were very “scientific” about it.

Of course,Rob’s penis would get real stiff and hard whenever we were together, naked,on the bed, and I used to enjoy watching him ejaculate whenever I would touch it or carress it. His semen would shoot into the air quite a distance, and he would tell me how great it felt.Then I’d take a warm wash cloth, and wash it off his body — or mine — if it happened to hit me!

I would get real horny, too, when Rob was exloring the folds of my vagina and tickling my clitoris with his fingers.

We didn’t consider this to be “real sex,” because he never entered me or even tried to. We just wanted to know how these body parts worked, and how they reacted.

In addition to “the Joy of Sex,” which was very informative, Rob also got this book called “American Kama Sutra” which had actual color photographs of a young couple demonstrating all of the various sexual positions that came from the Indian Kama Sutra. We were surprised at the great number of positions there were, and we actually imitated a number of them without actually going through with the act. This took a lot of will-power on our part, but we managed to hold our urges in check. The 69 position was the hardest one for us to control, becvause there were times when I really want his penis in my mouth, and he wanted to “tongue” my vagina, but we just never completed what we truly wanted to do.

A month after we graduated, we got married and honeymooned in Hawaii. In a gorgeous hotel room on Oahu, we put our “sex education” into practice. We made love “by the book” so to speak. When Rob finally ejaculated his sperm in me, I was in absolute heaven. It felt so wonderful. We also tried several of the Kama Sutra positions, which we had practiced, and found that they worked just great.

Three times that week, we made love on the beach, near Diamond Head — a secluded section when no one was around at night. With our bodies joined in perfect harmony, we pleasured each other for hours.

Now that we are back home, we are making love every night — making up for lost time, so to speak. I love Rob’s penis (I call it his “Love Fountain”)ejaculating his seed inside me, and hopefully, before to long, I’ll be having his baby.

We both think sex is the greatest thing God gave each of us.

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