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The Lifeguard

Current Age: 19
Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Hawaiian Beach/Motel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I saw him on a Sunday morning in Hawaii. He was sitting in the Lifeguard chair on a high platform at the beach near our hotel; and he was wearing these canary yellow bikini swim trunks — the pouch style that are very popular these days and made out of microfiber that clings closely to the body. While the trunks did cover his “package” nicely, it was obvious to anyone who saw him that he was well endowed. He looked to me to be Hawaiian, as the rest of his body was a very deep tan, partly skin color and partly from constantly sitting there in the bight sun. He looked like a Greek god, and I wanted him.

Later that afternoon, after he was off duty, we walked to a motel where he was staying. Once inside his room, he removed the top of my bikini and we embraced. My breasts against his well-oiled chest felt, oh so comfortable, as we kissed and began to feel each other all over. Then he pressed his “package” into my bikini bottom and sort of rubbed up and down with his now erect penis, inside that pouch.

I went to my knees and with my teeth I lowered the band of his bikini, releasing his manhood fully. When the trunks had fallen to his ankles, I took hold of his erection and placed the fountain of flesh in my mouth and went to work on it. I never wanted anything so much as for him to release his nectar of love in my mouth. It wasn’t long before it began flowing and I drank from that fountain eagerly and swallowed everything he gave me.

Following the blow job — which he said was the best he;d ever had — we headed for the bed., where he removed my bikini bottom, and began to eat me out. I was in heaven! Then he told me there was a condom in the pocket of his swim suit, but I told him to leave it there, which brought a broad smile to his face. Soon his 9″ penis was fully inside me, with only two thrusts and we began to FUCK! And we FUCKED for two hours solid, in ever possible position you could imagine. We created our own Kama Sutra! Of course he came several more times inside me, and the warmth of his love lotion filling my vagina was simply the most wonderful thing I’d ever experienced. At 19, I had had sex a few times in high school and twice my first year of college, but never anything which came close to this.

I left around 6:00 P.M. and went back to the hotel where I was staying with my parents. They asked me why I was so late, and I told them I fell asleep on the beach. Then we all went to dinner.

True story!

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