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The Lost Condom

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Back seat of a Chevrolet
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The first time I had sex was with my girlfriend, Connie, in the back of her Dad’s Chevrolet — about 42 years ago. Both Connie and I wanted to do it, but were having a hard time finding a suitable place. My folks didn’t have a car at the time, but Connie’s Dad did, and so one Saturday night she told her folks we were going to a movie — which we did — but afterwards we drove out on the edge of town and did it! Connie had told me to buy some condoms, and I managed to have an older friend of mine, who worked in a drug store, get me a package of 3 Trojans, and before we did it, she lped me put one on. God, that felt good just having her roll it over my hard penis! It was kind of awkward there in the back seat, but my penis went in kind of easy-like and after it was in, we really enjoyed ourselves. I probably “came” in about 5 minutes, but Connie loved it, and I was in 7th heaven. A few days later, Connie’s Mother called our house and asked to speak to me. Her first question was:”Did you have sex with my daughter, Jim?” I couldn’t lie, so I said, “Yes, Ma’am, I did — because I love her more than anything — and she loves me.” It seems that, inadvertently, I had dropped the condom box, with the two remaining condoms on the floor of the back seat of the Chevy, and Connie’s Mother had found them! I had wondered about it, and feared that I might have dropped them, and sure enough, that’s what had happened! For a few weeks after that, Connie and I did not see each other, except from a distance in school, because both of our parents were pretty upset. But, after things cooled down, we began dating again, and not long after, began having sex quite frequently. A few years later we got married, and have 4 children. I never regretted what we did. I”d do it again in a minute if I had it to do over again!

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