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The Love Machine

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When my boyfriend and I were both seniors in high school, we liked to fool around a lot in his car. His penis was absolutely the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.He would get it out frequently and show it to me. It was 8″ long (we measured it one time) and 1-1/2″ in diameter. He called it his “Love Machine” — and it was that. His semen he called his “Love Lotion” — and it was that too.

The first time he showed me his “Love Machine” he had me jerk him off. I was astonished at how the “Love Lotion” came pouring out at the tip, and he took some of it and spread it gently on my lips, and put a bit of it on my tongue — just to get a taste. He said that this was a rehearsal for things to come. It didn’t taste badly to me. Sometimes I’d put some on his lips, too, and then we’d french kiss like mad. It was a great feeling.

A couple of weeks later, he asked me if I’d put his “Love Machine” in my mouth — and I did. It felt so warm and good, and when the “Love Lotion” began to flow I wanted every bit of it. It felt wonderful. I became an expert at giving him a blow-job and he told me how much he loved it.

Sveral weeks after that,he placed his “Love Machine” into what he called my “Love Canal,” using a condom, and that was the most tremendous feeling I’ve ever had. We fucked for at least an hour that night and i didn’t want him to stop. The “Machine” worked perfectly and made me feel like it was meant to be in me permanently!He never seemed to go limp inside me. He always was rock hard even after his “Love Lotion” was gone.

After that night, we fucked every time we got together . There are a lot of positions you can get into in the front and back seat of a car, and we used them all. He said the machine had to be used regularly or it would lose its power. And I didn’t want that to happen.

This went on for 3 years, into our college years. We used the “Love Machine” regularly. It never failed to work perfectly.

When I was 21, I began using the birth control pill, so he didn’t have to use a condom after that, and “Love Machine” worked even better. His “Love Lotion” seemed to have an inexaustible supply.

Now it is 2 years later.

This coming Saturday, we are getting married.The “Love Machine” is still working perfectly, and I just love it when it is working its ectasy inside me.

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