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The Love Of My Life <3

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: His Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

First of all,my name is Halley.My Boyfriend/Bestfriend’s name is Patrick.We first had sex on his 13th Birthday.At the time,we were not dating,but we were best friends.We knew we liked each other though-we were always together, flirting.We were always laughing and fooling around,playing with each others hair,and hugging,and talking on the phone.What happened wasn’t expected.
How this happened? -I’ll tell you.

It was My bestfriend’s Birthday,and we were shopping at the mall together.
I was shopping for aeropostale,hollister,and Victoria’s Secret.He was shopping for American Eagle,and GameStop.We chose to go to Spencer’s (we always went to play in there) and I noticed him staring at me.Like,literally staring at my boobs.I got nervous,and ran out.He stayed while I called my uncle to pick us up in his limo,and he bought something.I wasn’t sure what.
My uncle came,and picked us up.He kept the window seperatong us and him closed,and Patrick and I sat there.He inched his hand closer to mine,until our fingers were intertwined.I smiled for a brief moment,and knew that I loved him.My uncle dropped us off at Patrick’s house,and we walked to his room, hand in hand,until we were locked in his bedroom.He asked me to model the new bras and thongs he had bought me.I just said “umm” and he begged me “please? since it’s my birthday?”he asked.How could I resist? It was his birthday,and he was such a sweetheart.

He was about to step out so I could change,when I told him no.He stayed in the room,as I slipped out of my tank top,and slid my cotton shorts off, revealing my matching blue bra and thong.I asked him to help me unhook my bra,and he walked to me,wrapped his arms around me,unhooked it,and just stood pressed against my bare chest.He reached down,and kissed them,and began caressing them,and feeling me up while I stood there almost completely nude.I told him “now you” and he pulled his celtics jersey and his basketball shorts off,and I kissed his chest.He slowly made his way down my stomach,until his fingers were slid underneath the elastic of my thong.He pulled them down,and I stared down,feeling his erect penis against me beneath his boxers.He was getting excited.I pulled off his boxers,and stroked his penis and jerked him off,and he began to cum all over his wall-and me.
He then wiped me off,and pushed me onto the bed.He asked me “are you sure you want this?” I told him “yes.I’m positive.I want you” and he smiled at me,and I told him to get a condom.he admitted that he didn’t have one.I told him “it’s fine.It doesn’t matter.just don’t cum inside of me.” and he promised he wouldn’t.I loved him so much right then there.He was amazing.

As I lay there,he told me to spread my legs apart.He then placed his head in between my legs,and began licking me in the opening of my vagina.It felt amazing-his warm tounge on my skin,on the inside and out.Once he was finished,he fingered me,and it hurt a bit,but it caused me to have an orgasm when he began rubbing his finger on my insides,and kissing my breasts.
We whispered to each other “I love you” and we truly did.Patrick went to our pile of bags and told me that we needed to “warm up” and I didn’t understand until he pulled out a vibrator from his Spencer’s bag.He turned it on and asked me if I was alright.I told him I was fine,and he inserted the vibrator into my vagina,and in only a few minutes,I began ejaculating.I was wet all over,and I made patricks sheets wet.I started moaning,and begged patrick to pull it out of me.He did,and apologized.He said it would make it easier for him to go in.I assured him I was okay.

Patrick crawled on top of me,and we started making out.He kissed my neck, and asked me if I was ready.I told him “Absolutely sweetie” and he stared deep into my eyes,and kissed my forehead.We got into the missionary position.He slowly made his way into me,and to tell you the truth-it hurt like hell at first.He pushed up and down slowly at first and faster as he pushed. He became gentler,and he told me we needed to stop.I told him “no babe.not yet.it feels so good,we can’t stop” and he said we had to,but I held him tight and he gave up.We kept at it,harder and faster,until suddenly I felt him cum inside of me.He was deep in and I moaned out softly as he exploded in me.
‘I’m so sorry” he cried.I told him It was my fault.he tried to warn me.We stopped having sex,and we laid there for a moment,before we rolled around and I got on top.I rode him for awhile and he groaned each time I pushed hard.He was hard and erect the whole time through,and we switched postions one last time,had one last rough series of humping,and he started to pull out.He did it slowly,and came just before his head was out.He cummed in me,and then on me and his bed.In total,he ejaculated a total of four times,and I orgasmed six times.We were so excited in the end,I wanted more.

Patrick climbed off of me,and we sat together on his bed,and kissed.He felt me up,and sucked at my nipples,and kissed me on the top of my head. When we were all set kissing,I told him to stand in front of me,so he did.
He stood in front of me,with his six inches erect in front of my face.I grabbed his penis,and stuck it in my mouth.I sucked on it,and he moaned in pleasure as I went faster and faster as I gave him head.Before I knew it,he got over excited and came in my mouth,and exploded down my throat.It tasted salty and at the same time strange.Patrick apologized,and I assured him that it wasn’t his fault.He told me that I was amazing and beautiful,I was perfect and gorgeous,he loved me and I was an incredible sex partner.He confessed that I made him feel sensational,and he loved the way I made him feel.Once he was finished telling me this,I wrapped my legs around his waist,he picked me up,and we kissed passionately.I adored the feel of his warm,sweet tounge inside my mouth,tangled in mine.We fell asleep in each others arms,in love.

Two weeks after this experience,I was with Patrick and a friend of ours, Andrew.We were at a party,where somebody had spiked the soda.We were all drunk,and Andrew led me to the basement of the house where the party was held.He removed my shirt,and held my breasts,and sucked my nipples and made out with me.I pulled off his jeans and boxers,and he stuck his dick into my mouth,when I gave him a blow job.I thought we were finished,until we both pulled off the rest of our clothes and he slammed me on the floor and had rough sex with me,but he used a condom.I had an orgasm from my excitement,and the condom he used was full by the time we finished.He fingered me when we were done,pulled out his vibrator,and stuck it into my vagina.it hurt less this time,and I got wet once more,and then andrew took the vibrator out,and ate me out.He licked his lips,and kissed me before we kissed one last time,we redressed,and went upstairs.Nobody had noticed us gone missing,and we acted as though nothing happened.

A month passed after Patrick’s first time with me,and my first time with him, we had our first three way.It was Me,Patrick,and Andrew.We were just hanging out in Andrew’s room,laying on his bed,when patrick started kissing me and playing with my breasts.Andrew joined in,and they both pulled off their shirts.I too pulled off mine,revealing my size 32 C breasts,and my thin figure.Patrick managed to pull off my short cut jean shorts,and was working on ripping off my thong.he had already removed my bra,and all of his clothes.Andrew had done the same.Once I was completely nude,Patrick grabbed me and spread my legs apart so he could finger me to wet me.I started to get very wet,and andrew used the vibrator again.It felt good,the motion of the vibrator.It was soothing but it made me feel very horny,and it made me want to have sex.All I wanted was for Patrick to fuck me hard,and fast,and rough.The vibrator made me have an orgasm and I moaned and cried when they took it out.I had no patience,and immeadiately jumped on top
of Patrick,and stuck his penis into my vagina and rode him wildly.I couldn’t get enough-I was addicted.I made out with him,we were hot and sticky and wet.He came several times,and the rougher we went the more sperm he pushed into me.I had two orgasms,and it made it easier for him to push and pull.I was so addicted,and pulled Andrew to my back,and he stuck himself into me,and rode me from behind.We all got into it.They both moaned and groaned,and I started screaming when Andrew pushed too hard.He relaxed, and I was sore.When Andrew pulled out,he ejaculated all over the floor,and when patrick pulled out,he was bloody.I realized that his dick had broken my hymen,because it was too large for me to handle.I wiped him off,and we went home,and slept it off.

Two months Later,I found out I was pregnant.In the end,I discovered that it was Patricks baby,and he and I are now 17 years old.Our son is almost four,and Patrick and I are expecting twins in the fall.We had our love story,and I hope that everybody else can have their own first true love <3

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