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the mistaaaake.

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

okaaay. so I’m still technically a virgin. I didn’t have sex. but anywayss, I really liked this guy and I thought he liked me. we had been talking for a while in a sexual manner. so when my mom was in mexico and my sister in new York, It seemed like the perfect time. I invited him to come over and he said he would bring over a movie. it was 1408, which I thought was not scary at all. wellll, he knew I hadn’t had my first kiss yet and like half way through the movie he goes “look at me, you have something on your chin.” so I did and he kissed me:) I should’ve expected it, but I didn’t. after the movie we were talking and it turned to making out. things went wayyyy too fast and he ended up taking my pants off. he asked to see my bedroom, so we went up there. we were making out on my bed when he started to undo my bra clasp, but he couldn’t get it. so we ended up having to stand up and we had to stop so he could do it. we started making out again, but I felt him start fingering me. it felt goood when he started, but after a while, it just hurt everytime. so I needed a break and he was not ready to stop. I did the one (grossest) thing I could think of: I gave him a blowjob. after 30 seconds or so, I started gagging and threw up on him. we were laughing for a while, but then he tried to have sex with me by putting his dick next to my area. I said no and he was questioning me why not. until I answered, he started fingering me harder & deeper. it hurt sooooo bad. it was not how I expected it at all; WAIT. I should have. this story has a not so happy ending. a few dayys later, I found out he had a girlfriend when it happened. I was so heartbroken and now I have to live with this huge mistake too.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience