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The moment

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: In the bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok I don’t want to give out my name but I will tell you about my first time!! It happened just 2 weeks ago. In the school bathroom. I am also not gonna give out his name but we can call him…. “Steve”. We Both had 2nd period together and had been going out for a year and 7 months. We both decided it was time. We had no clue where to do it because he could not at his house and my dad is too protective!! So we skipped 2nd period and went into the bathroom!! I was not sure about this but I still dd it. We started but just kissing and we were making out. He started kissing my neck and it was so nice. (I am gonna fast forward cuz it’s sorta long) but then I got down on my knees and started giving him a blow job!! Btw he has a 8″ dick. He cummed in my mouth. It tasted kinda good. (fast forward) then he started to eat me out and it was amazing I was trying to be quite because we were at school but it was so amazing!!! He was soo good at everything it was like he was a pro. Lol 🙂 He then popped the question “are you ready”? I answered “yes” but I knew he would be the one to do it with. I trusted him with my virginity. When I finally told him he could stick it in he checked to see if I was sure. ( now let me tell you. My cherry broke when I was around 9 when I was horse back ridding) It did hurt when he stuck it in but it was a good pain -a pain I could take- after a little while it stopped hurting!! But the whole time he was asking me if I was ok which I liked because if I said no he would have stopped!! It was an amazing feeling and I don’t regret doing it!! I only told one person and that’s my best friend Mary. I trust her with everything I own. And she said “but he may not be the one u marry” all I said was “yea he may not have but he was the one then and the right one at that” and I always keep the saying “you can only cross the ocean if you have courage to lose sight of the shore” in my head when I think of that day!! Now girls he may not be the one that you will marry but if u know in ur heart he is the one then, u follow wht ur heart says just like I did!!

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