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The Photo Studio Girl

Current Age: 39
Age when it happend: 38
Where it happened: My photo studio
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My name is Kevin, I’m 39, and I run a small photo studio in downtown Buffalo. I first met Traci when she and her Mother came in about a year ago and wanted me to take some high school graduation photos for her. She was 18 and very attractive.

We did several indoor shots and then a few outdoor, informal, casual shots. After we finished, I asked her (and her Mother) if she might be interested in helping out, on a part-time basis at the studio. I had been thinking about getting some assistance, because up until now I had been doing everything myself, and I really did need someone to act as receptionist, keep track of appointments. assist in posing customers, especially those with young children or pets. Since she had no immediate plans for college, she said she thought she could do the job, and her Mother thought it might be a good “starter position” for her.

She started right after graduation, and fit in quite nicely. For the first six months we worked together very closely and got to know each other on a first name basis. I also found myself getting very attracted to her, and although I had dated other women — usually a lot older, I began to think of Traci as more than just my employee there in the studio.

During the Christmas holidays we were very busy, and we found ourselves working longer hours — and quite a few evenings; as late as 9:00 P.M. On several occasions I offered to drive Traci home, as she still lived with her parents. It was after one of those drives home that I realized that not only was I interested in her, but she was also interested in me. As she was getting out of the car that one evening, she gave me a friendly peck on the cheek. I got a nice healthy erection on the way home, and couldn’t get her out of my mind. At home, I fucked her, mentally, in my mind, while showering and masturbating.

Things got even more steamy one evening, when we were working late, in the office, and just before leaving, we embraced by the door and began kissing. As she pressed her young body against mine, I knew instinctively that we simply had to have each other. Before we left, she gave me the most wonderful blow job I’d ever had, and we fucked on the couch in the office as if we’d been lovers for years. Of course I used a condom, but after that night, she got on birth control and our sex life since has been even more loving and intense. We seem to need each other virtually every day.

A month ago, Traci moved into my apartment, much to the consternation of her parents, but we have come to the conclusion that, despite our age difference (20 years), we were meant for each other. And, gradually, her Mom and Dad, have come to accept the situation.

We truly do love each other and my sex life has never been better.

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