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The Rushing Sensation

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I’ve been with A for a long time since we were kids.
We played with each other and had so many great laughs together
He moved to Canada and that’s like half way around the world.
We started to drift.But after 9 years he came back just for a
visit and i say both of us was so shy to talk.I was 13 and he
was 15.Nevertheless,we started talking..he stayed for 3 months
and that time we spent together was so perfect.But we didn’t
do anything then coz we knew it was to early.But there was kissing
here and there…not forgettting hugging.He was so sweet Then he
went away again but we kept in touch trough letters.I loved those love
letters he sent.
As time went by..he came and visit me again after four years
He was so grown up and so was I.The way we think and the way we express
ourselves is far different from when we were kids.We went on a
weekend vacation together to the beach and the bicycle ride was
perfect.And the kissing was even better now.We spent everyday together
for he had two weeks left of his vacation.By then we were ready
enough to do it.It meant a lot to us.I lost my virginity that night
At first we started kissing in bed…it was quite late.He’s warm body was
on mine.I wrapped my arms around him rubbing his back.Feeling him close.
The tongue twister then got wilder.His hands were tugging on my shirt
I slowly slip out of my tshirt and and he sucked onto my breast as if
it was the best lollipop he had.I was so high hands were all over his
dick that time…we slowly undress ourselves …his dick was slowly
entering me at first and the strokes was then getting harder
It hurt at first but later it felt like great.The rushing sensation that
i was feeling lifted me up.I felt so protected and the love making was like

We made love a couple of times since then.And even though we are apart
now…we still love each other very much,I miss him a lot.We call each
other just to keep up with life.He is so important to me.And i think that
our life…not forgetting sex life will be the greatest ever.

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