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The Secretary

Age when it happend: 26
Where it happened: My Office Couch
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I was newly married and fresh out of law school. It was my first jobin a law office here in Minneapolis. As a new associate I got assigned a lot of matters that the older lawyers didn’t care to do. But the best part of my new job was the secretary they assigned to me.Her name was Helen, and she was an absolute living doll. The first time I saw her, and every time thereafter, I got a hard-on. I did my best to hide it, but at times I guess it was pretty obvious, even to her.

New associates have to put in long hours and I worked a lot of nights. So did Helen. There were times when we were alone in the building.

This one night we worked late and after we were through, I walked her out to her car in our parking lot, and found that she had a flat tire. She had a spare, but it was very late — after midnight — and it was also very cold out, and I didn’t feel like changing the tire right then and there. So, I offered to drive her home.

She lived in an apartment on the other side of town, and by the time we arrived, a cold sleet-type rain had started to fall, so I said I’d see her to the door with my umbrella. We shared the umbrella going in, and after we got inside, she asked me if I wouldn’t like to have a cup of hot coffee before going home. I accepted.We talked,and then one thing led to another, and we ended up in bed together. I guess she wanted me as much as I wanted her, and for the first time since my wedding, I was fucking another woman other than my wife. I knew it was wrong, but there are times when your cock rules your brain. I was there until after 3:00 A.M. and had some real explaining to do when I got home. I told my wife it got so late, I just fell asleep at my desk.

Since that night, Helen and I have had several great fuck sessions on the couch in my office, and besides the regular sex, she loves to give me head right at my desk. Bill Clinton has nothing on me. I think she learned her technique from Linda Lovelace of “Deep Throat” fame!

I know I should stop, but I just can’t. I love my wife and our sex is great, too, but when I’m with Helen, I just can’t resist.

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