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the teacher

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: school, then her house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well my first time was when i was 14. i had gone to school early that day to serve a detention. the teacher that i would be serveing my detention with was the biggest milf. i had always liked her. well when i got to school she was waiting for me, she told me to write her a paper on the reason for getting the detention. i was in another world at the time, because she was wearing this tight white shirt, that you could see her nipples through. about 10 minutes later she asked me what i had done and i show her my paper,it had nothing on it, i told her i didnt write anything because i was maddly in love with her. then i took a dareing move and i stood up and kissed her.the wierd thing was she started kissing back. so we kept makeing out until the bell was about to ring, then she told me to follow her out to her car. we got in her car and drove to her place. her husband was out of town. before we could get in the door of her house we were making out again. when we got into her place she pulled me into her room, she told me to strip. then she took off her top and started giving me head. after about 15 minutes of her sucking my dick i told her to finish stripping. once she was done i fingered and ate her out. then i layed down on the bed and told her to start riding. we must have fucked every way i had ever seen in a porn video and some positions she knew that i had never heard of. we fucked the entire day. i called my mom around 3:30 and told her i was spending the night at a friends. then my and cindy went back to fucking. we must have fucked 50 times just in the afternoon. around 8 someone rang the doorbell. it was one of the other teachers from school that lived near her. cindy surprised me and brought mrs. w. back to her bedroom then the three of us fucked for hours. this was the best day of my life. me and cindy fucked 2 or 3 more times but that was it.

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