Age when it happend: 10
Where it happened: at my boyfriends house summer of94
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Where it happened: at my boyfriends house summer of94
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I was staying with my boyfriend one summer all summer.
We had the whole house to our self
So he was just in a white shirt and short white underwear he looked so cute and sexy that!
He could see that I was feeling horny so we went to his room and he lay on his stomach.
I put my hand on his butt cheeks and he started shaking his legs and the bed very fast.
you could hear the bed shaking!
He was shaking legs so fast he made if self pee in his underwear!
next he handed me is wet and stinky underwear
The next thing I know I am on back and he got on top of me stared humping me!
He said that he needed to pee so I said let it go and pee in my mouth