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the time ever

Age when it happend: 10
Where it happened: at my boyfriends house summer of94
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

when I am with my boyfriend we have the house to our self
He was already in his short white underwear he looked so sexy and cute that way.
then he started shaking his legs and his bed very fast so I put my hand on his butt cheeks and then he started shake his legs and his bed even faster!
then he started peeing on my hand but I did not care.
He took of his wet underwear and handed me the underwear and I smell his stinky wet underwear.
then we got on his bed naked and started doing it again!
next he got on top of me and said come on baby let,s have sex!
of course I said yes!
he was humping me pretty hard and yelling my name the whole time we were doing it!
we had sex for about 2hours!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience