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the world shook…

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: at my ex's apartment
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I was 16 at the time and I had met this really cute Rusian boy. Sparkling blue eyes and a heavy accent. He and his twin brother came into the laundry mat where he and I first met. We dated for about 5months when i decided that it was time for him to be my first. I didnt tell him when were gonna do it but i knew that it would be soon. ?p>

On a friday night we were hanging out at his apartmentand i knew that it was the perfect time. It had begun snowing and i couldnt think of a better time. I leaned into him and kissed him fiercely and next thing you know, we were in his bedroom making out like rabbits and i told him that right now it was time. He wanted to make sure that i was serious and that we both wanted it, and i was beyond sure. He told me that if he hurt me then to tell him but i have thing for pleasure fused with pain. He went slowly at first then faster and harder. He broke me in half and i loved every part of the pain and pleasure.

After we had done it, i walked to the bedroom window and looked out to the blanketed ground and star filled sky. He got out of bed and held me as we looked out to the window adnd i knew that this was perfect. Life was perfect and the moment was equal to it- painfully perfect.

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