Well, unlike a lot of the bull here, i was revising for my GCSEs and
there is this girl who was in the revision class with me
at my college. We didn’t exactly like each other much but we would speak.
Anyways… I was in thiss class with all these women. I got one hell of a hard
cock. I came up to lunch and as we were on study leave they decided they wanted to get a chineese.
We went an got it and went back to hers. We all ate in the front room and then she asked
me if i could help her with something . I said ok and went with her to see what it was.
We got upstairs and she said just in here – it was her bedroom. She starteed leaning over me and kissed me lightly. She knew i
was a virgin so we went slow as she was as well. She started to undress me an i her
then we kissed all over.
I started to eat pussy and i think that she came like this – she was moaning like fuck.
she laid me down and slid on top of me! i was in heaven. she was so tight, wet and warm inside i came within about 30 s. we collapsed in a state of bliss and fell asleep together! That was my first time