Where it happened: friends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
ok so in the summer me n my friends everyone called us 3amigos cause we were always together n did the dumbest n funnest stuff ever, pranks, parties, no drugs or smoking great times. one day the oldest in our group call him g, called us over to his house n said i how something to show us in his room n his parents were both gone we went to his room n shut the door n he put in a porno n said watch this it was so great as we were younger n hornier than him we got borners quick n he noticed he told us we could go in the corner n choke the chicken n we took our corner n just started wanking off we were having a ball n once we started getting close to cuming he said we should really have some fun he showed us his cock n it was huge like 8inches n hair every where he said he should show us some really fun things n we said sure he told us to grab his cock n stroke it n we did n he was liking it n he said for us to suck it n we didnt at first but he pushed us into it n t wasnt that bad just had to get over the gagging part we swichted when one of us got tired this other kept going n then he told us he was close to cuming n for us to open our mouths n close our eyes we both got borners right then n he did as we were told n soon he was shooting us with hot creamy cum it when everywhere n when i opened my eyes it was rolling down my face n stomach n it tasted salty but ok then he told us to do it to each other n we both did n when we came he let us cum on him but it wasnt as much as his but still enough to give him a borner again he then pulled out 3condoms n said put these on n lets party 🙂 then he pushes my other friend down n put some lube on his dick n pushed it up his ass n started pumping after a while he started to breathe real hard n then pulled out n grabbed me n came on me all over a lot more the time before it covered my cock which almost made me cum then but said hold it let him fuck u n then u fuck him n me then me fuck u we all fucked n we came at the same time squiting cum everywhere we rnt gay just fun times