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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my boyfriends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

basically me and my boyfriend had only just started going out, which made me feel like i was jumping into things very quick. So his parents and family were away for the weekend so on friday night he picked me up from my house and drove me to his house, i put my stuff down in his room and lay on his bed and we talked and laughed and made out and things were all good, i had anticipated that he might try to have things go further because of his nature on our first date the tuesday prior but i was scared because i had read so many stories and spoken to my friends who told me how much it hurt. eventually he asked me and i said yes but to be gentle and respect me and he did, every time he even moved he would ask me if i was ok. It hurt. It stung like when you might get a paper cut in the webbing of your fingers but ten times worse, and a little bit from the pain, but mostly for my own personal reasons, i cried, which is apparently not good to do, but of course he stopped and comforted me and whilst i really got no physical enjoyment out of it, i dont look at it as a bad experience because even though to others it might seem rushed (being in the first week of dating) he made me feel safe and held me and i dont regret it at all. The next few times hurt also but eventually it got better and now it is great 🙂 we have been dating for just over two months and whilst sex at first is painful and scary, it does get better and it is an amazing persoal experience.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience