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Timi and Natalia

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my girldfriend house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

hooo! our first time I remember it like if it would be yesterday. we had been togeder for 3 month and that day was the first time I sleep in her house so I was supoosed to sleep in the bed under my girlfriend’s and we were talking all the night until was time to sleep so we lay on our beds I was holding her hand but I wanted to be with her so I pulled her down to my bed and I hug her and I started to kiss her neck and hold one of her boob with my right hand wile I was hugging her with my left arm then she did turn around and we started to make out.I was so horny I couldn’t even control my self I just had to massage her pussy with my hand so I went inside her thong it was so wet and so nice after a little while she started to touch my cock and pull down my brief when we got naked I got over her and I started to go inside her pussy slowly until the middle then I went outside and inside again this time all the way in so she go a little orgasm and I did it slow the next 4 times then I started to do it faster and every time faster and hugging her hard she was saying to me how good it was feeling for her and that was making me every time hornier in the end I did cum inside her and then we slept next to each other it was funny the next day to see my dick, her pussy and the bed all in blood I hope you did like my history ^.^ <333

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