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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Northern Ireland
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This is a true story of when I was 17, ok, I was nearly 18, but fairly naive for my age so the age difference wasn’t as big as it seems. I hope you enjoy.

I had been going out with my girlfirend, Paddy, 15, for a few weeks. I would pop up to her house after finishing work (she was at college) to spend some time and we would have a kiss and a cuddle occasionaly and got on really well, we had even tried to go further a few times but it had been disapointing when nothing really happened and just we ended up feeelig a bit awkward afterward.

One night when I went up her parents were out and she was watching TV in her room, sitting on her bed, I joined her. We started kissing and fooling around and I thought perhaps mu luck was in. We slipped off each other’s tops and trousers and I ended up lying on top of her, between her legs, kissing and rubbing together, I was so horny but decided to wait for her to take it forward this time, as I had rushed things before and it hadn’t worked out.

After what felt like a million years, Paddy pulled my pants down so I could rub against her soft knickers. They were purple and grey and made from some kind of light cotton jersey type material. I kept just rubbing against her, desperate to take things forward but really enjoying myself nonetheless.

Without warning she reached down again and pulled her knickers to one side so I could slip in, the feeling was increbible! I had already built up a nice rhythm and kept this up while inside her, while she pushed firmly back against me.

The feeling was so good and she looked so good under me that I had to look around and think of something else so as to take my mind off the moment that was rapidly approaching. My gaze focused on a poster on her wall above the bed and slightly to the right, of Axl Rose, and I remember thinking, what a ginger tosser, when Paddy made a small noise and a funny expression came over her face, like she had wanted to sneeze. At the same time she slipped her left leg inside mine and brushed the back of my left calf gently.

That little gesture pushed me over the edge, nothing could stop me now. I whispered to her that I was cumming, and Paddy said “That’s ok, I just have”, and tightened her legs around me, I then realised this was because she didn’t want me to pull out when I came. Well, I came so hard I could hear the blood coursing in my ears, and all the time I kept looking into her pretty face and eyes while she looked back at me.

Afterward, we lay there in each others arms for quite a while after, just kissing and touching each other.

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