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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: At his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

There wuz this boy who i had the biggest crush on since freshamn year. I ocassionaly caught him lookin at my body in class. Since we sat next 2 each other, and i always felt his eyes looking at me, i stayed wet in class that whole year. we eventually got closer and became gf and bf late freshman year. the summer b4 junior year we broke up for some reason. i still was in love wit em cuz we had been through so much and he cared 4 me alot. We broke up b/c his buddy TJ told me he wuz cheatin on me. so i confronted him and asked if he did and he said no. i didnt believe him and i dumped him. so at our homecoming game junior year he came to sit next 2 me and asked me if i wuz cold. the way we acted was like we never broke up. but newayz, we talked about how our years were goin and he asked if i had a bf. i said no and he said he wasnt datin either. he asked if i needed a ride home and i said yea. then he said “good, cuz i been meanin to talk 2 u 4 a while now” so the game finishes, and we walk 2 his car, he tells me he still loves me and I’m thinkin “what tha hell?” so he asks me “what time i gotta be home?” I tell him 11 and at that time it was 9:30. so we get in his car,and he stays silent for the whole ride as if he was embarrased about what he said earlier. so as he was drivin, he missed the road to take to my house. i asked him “where r we goin” he said to his house i asked why. he said “tina, i can hold this in much longer, and we need to talk” so we arrive at his house, his parents arent home, we go inside and he takes my hand and leads us to his room. we sit on the bed and he says “no matter what nobody says or said, are relationship was so strong that nothin, even a rumor couldnt break us up, but it did. I didnt cheat on you and i hurts like hell to know u didnt trust me” at this point i begin to get a litte teary eyed and he does to. so i fall into his eyes and wipe the tear from his cheek and kiss him and he kisses me back. he begins 2 kiss on my neck and i get wet. so then i begin to unbutton my blouse and he starts takin off his shirt and he asked “u sure about this” and i say yea. then he says “i love you” i take off my jeans, and he takes off his boxers and b4 i knew it we were completely naked. we kiss for a while touching each other and then i lay down on tha bed. so by this time hes very hard and he climbs on top of me and kisses me all over. then he spreads my legs and enters me. i moaned because his size over whelmed me. I was surprised it didnt hurt, and i liked it. he went in and out breathin and moanin like he had asthma and then kept kissin me. thn as we were abouth 2 climax, i felt him swell as he kept goin in and out and i began graspin his back cuz it felt so good. so then as we were climaxin we moaned and a drop of sweat fell down from his face and he came in me and then he collapsed on me. 5 minutes later, (as u kno it) he got hard again and then i climbed on top of him (i wuz scared if i would do it right cuz it wuz my 1st time) and i put his dick in me and held the top of the headboard and started goin up and down and i remember turnin my hips a little bit and he was moanin about 2 drool. so i climaxed again and i fell on him. i regretted not using a condom though, cuz i got scared a week later cuz my period didnt come but i wuz just coincedentally late. so it wuz all good.

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