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toilet raped

Age when it happend: 7
Where it happened: on the toilet
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 7 years old, and needed to take a shit. My brothers friend was over and needed to take a shit too. I suggested we take shits at the same time. He was cool with it. We both shared seats on the toilet and took shits side-by-side. It was very romantic. Eventually, we decided we should be boyfriend/girlfriend. After this, he raped me on the toilet. It was so unbearable, but that was because of the smell. The toilet hadn’t been flushed. As he went in me on the toilet, I head my mom knock on the door. I freaked out, and screamed. He opened the door, showing me on the toilet, and him standing up with his dick out, in front of my mom, and he came on her shirt. Him and my brother weren’t the same afterward, and we ended up not to be going out after all.

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