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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: manchester
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

For 5 years after my mother died I had been in care, the last three years at foster parents.Love even touch was allian to me then. AT fifteen I got caught by my foster mum wearing her night dress ,I was told to go to my room. Later my foster father, well he gave me the strap and asked me what I was doing Your aunt mary is worried your having thoughts about her. No I cried I only wanted to look nice for you, like aunt mary does.I had no idea what sex was or even for it wasnt like that On days when Andrew (foster dad)went for a drink he wasnt alouwd to sleep in her bed so he slept in mine And I, by now had a real crush on him. He never even noticed at times I would get close even touch him he just didnt notice, I thought.Ime not sure when it was one night he came in and flopt on the bed,and said Ok you have teased me long enough now its time for you to learn. He took a few months to show me all.Funny he would tell me off if I spilt one drop of his come,he would say dont you waste my seeds,I soon lernt not to as I just loved everything about him and I thought about him all the time.There wernt many days I didnt get his seeds in fact I had decided his sperm was so addictive, on nights or mornings I didnt get it I would get sad and cry.Sad end aunt caught me sucking him off and I was sent back to a childrens home I never dared go back.And have by now lots of relationships womem an men.None of them ever got close,I would done anything he said. And now I look at silly internet sites naked pictures of men looking for that overwieght man not with a massive cock,slightly turnd up and imagin it to have that nice taste and smooth feel Ime not sure ime even gay I like women they look nice, but I know I would never have said no to such a man Ime not that strong

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