I got married to Leann about ten years ago. She was alot of fun when we were dating. We had a nice church wedding, big reception then went off on our honeymoon. We kidded around and had alot of fun driving to the motel. We got to our motel, I carried her in, went back out to get the luggage. When I came back in she asked me to check that the car was locked. She acted kind of weird about it, but I said sure and went back out. I checked the car doors, they were locked. I went back to our room, and she had locked that door. I knocked on it, but she wouldn’t let me in. She wouldn’t even hardly talk to me. I told her I was going to get another key from the manager, but she said she’d call the police and tell them I was trying to rape her. I spent the night in the back seat of the car. The next morning she come out all packed up to go and told me to take her to her mom’s house. She wouldn’t talk to me or even look at me on the way. I carried her suitcase inside, and her mom told me to get out and not come back.
For a couple months I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Then one day she called me and told me that I could get the marriage annulled or get a divorce. I told her I didn’t believe in that sort of thing. She was quiet, and then told me she didn’t either. I asked her to go to counselling with me, because I wanted our marriage to work.
We’ve been in counselling for about ten years now. She was raped by her mom’s boyfriend when she was 14 till she was 17. Her mom didn’t want her to get married at all, because she was afraid her daughter would tell someone that her boyfriend had raped her and he would get in trouble. She knew it had happened and said it wasn’t a big deal, and Leann was blowing it all out of proportions. We haven’t had sex yet, and sometimes I wonder if we ever will. We still don’t live together either. She did move out of her mom’s though. I still love her with all my heart. Its hard not to give in and get sex elsewhere, but that just wouldn’t be right. Well that’s my story.