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Age when it happend: from 10
Where it happened: all over
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I think, when it comes to sex, I was what is called a “slow starter”. At primary school the kids talked about sex but I never really connected. At age eleven I went on to an all boys secondary school. Here the talk was much more specific but still I remained out of it. I gathered it was all about “cocks” so I found a way of fiddling with mine that gave me some very nice feelings. Just before I was thirteen my older brother, who was then sixteen, said to me “Have you started wanking yet?” I wasn’t sure what he meant so I said “No”. That night he came into my bedroom in his pyjamas. He dropped his pants to the floor and sat on my bed. I saw he had a great erection and I admired its size and its gentle upward bend. He started to rub it up and down, getting more and more excited until he made a big groan and started pouring white liquid onto my floor. After a bit he said “That’s the way it is done and it’s fantastic”, Then he pulled up his pants and went back to his room. I cleared up the mess with tissues and then went to bed. I tried it for myself quite a few times but nothing real happened, so I returned to my old ways.
About six months later I had my first wet dream. I dreamed that I was standing naked in front of the class, with an erection, and all the boys were coming our one at a time to stroke it. I woke to find myself streaming with semen and feeling very happy. The next night I repeated the dream sequence while still awake, rubbing my cock furiously. I had a fantastic orgasm and so began my daily career of wanking!
I came to the conclusion that I must be gay. I became most interested in all the boys at school and admired their stories. Most of all I had a crush on a boy in the year ahead of me. He was tall and blond, very handsome and with a fine figure. He was captain of rugby and a great athlete. I ogled him a lot but did not imagine that he had noticed. The, one lunch time, he came up to me and asked if I would like to go to his house after school to see his train set. Of course I said yes.
I went home with him. The house was empty and he explained that both his parents were at work and would not be home until after six. We went up to his bedroom and he let me in first. It was a lovely, tidy room with lots of books and a desk and various models. There was no sign of a train set! So I turned round to him and was astonished to see him, completely naked with his cock just coming to full erection. I quickly removed all my clothes achieving my erection before I was undressed. We stood looking at each other. I thought he looked gorgeous. His cock was a lovely sandy shade and had a great pinkish knob. Then he stepped forward, put his arms right round me and kissed me fully on the lips. Another surprise that I quickly followed and tongues started to make contact. Then he drew away from me and led me to the bed. We lay facing each other, in each others arms and carried on kissing. Slowly hands began to run down backs, to feel buttocks and then round the front to cradle and fondle each other balls and to stroke each other cocks. The he got up, turned round and came back so that his face was at my crotch and he took my cock deep in his mouth. I did the same. So began sucking and licking and lips running up and down. It was glorious. The his body stiffened and a jet of semen hit me in the back of the throat. I gagged for a moment but then happily swallowed the warm liquid as I emptied myself into his mouth. We slowed and paused. Then he got up and came back to lying with me for more kisses. We fondled each other lovingly and rolled onto our backs. Then we crossed hands and began stroking each others newly hard cocks, It was wonderful and we had a beautiful combined orgasm. I loved his warm semen running down the back of my hand and licked it off when I could.
Then I realised what time it was and that I should be at home. I dressed quickly and went home. I told my mum I’d been at Dave’s so that we could do our homework togther, She did not demur. After that I went two or three nights a week to Dave’s house to do my “homework”. We always followed the same routine until he went away to university.

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