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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: back porch
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

A friend of mine used to always fix me up with “dogs”….
He’d get the good looking one, and I always got the bow wow. He was dating this really good looking girl, Marilyn,
and one night when I bumped into him he said,”I’m taking Mariilyn to the movies, why don’t you come and you could take her girl friend Louise”….I said, “Yeah, right…and it will be the same thing it always is…” He said “No, trust me buddy….this one is going to make the steam come out of your ears”….
I reluctantly agreed……he made all the arrangements, and we went to the movie to meet them…..I remember we went to see “The Sting” with Paul Newman.
As I saw Marilyn and her girl friend approaching the theatre lobby, I couldn’t believe my eyes…..Louise was an absolute goddess, in plain words….we’re talking playmate material here……The introductions were made, we went in, saw the movie, had a great time (she was REEEAAL flirty), went for something to eat, and then back to his house…..it was a hot summer night….
Mike and Marilyn retired to the living room couch to get it on……Louise and I went out to the enclosed back porch, and started a makeout session I think of to this day. I was on top of her and she was like a buvking bronco, and obviously much more experienced than me…
I pulled down her tube top and began to suck on her extra long pink nipples…..she, in turn slid her hand into my bell bottom jeans waist and began to stroke my cock which was about to explode….then unbuttoned the front and pulled them down as we dry pumped……
I finally got her pants down and off and put myself in her,cumming almost instantaneously……I was embarrased at having done so, and just couldn’t go on….I had a case of “limp dick” from all the excitement….
She then said to me..”Lay down on your back…I’ll make you cum and you won’t have to do a thing..” ….I positioned myself on my back on the chaise lounge, feet dangling on the side, and she got on her knees and positioned herself accordingly, and began to give me a piston like blow job / hand job that was unbelievable…
I came again, this time in her mouth, and she swallowed the whole thing…..we were totally drenched in sweat.
We dated off and on that entire summer, then she went to college, as did I……
One thing I remember is her absolute fascination with super huge cocks (certainly not mine)…and one time when I did bump into her during the holidays and asked her how she was, she told me she was dating a guy at school who was half caucasion and half polynesian, and that he had something on the order of a twelve inch cock, but he was a jerk…..
With Marilyn, it was all about the sex…..she really didn’t like the idea of a permanent boyfriend….she just absolutely loved to fuck, and, moreover, LOVED to eat cum, as she had explained to me….
I think of Marilyn often today….lost track of her over the years…..she was super intelligent, I found out, and went on to becomem head of computer operations for a major bank…
When I look back on the moments of my life, that I would want to re live, without a doubt, that would be one of the top ones…

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