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Too Young To Appreciate It

Age when it happend: 7
Where it happened: Neighbor House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first sexual intercourse doesn’t really seem like sex because I was too young to appreciate it. But I do remember it vividly, even though I was only 7 years old.
I was with another boy riding bikes on the sidewalk of our street. There was an older girl who lived on our street and when we went by her house she started talking to us so we stopped. She asked us how old we were and she told us she was ten. She was cute with long light brown or dark blond hair and I remember feeling very flattered that this older smarter girl was paying attention to me. She even got us some lemonade from her kitchen, but she wouldn’t let us go inside because she said her mom didn’t allow it.
But then the other boy had to go to the bathroom and the girl said OK I’ll sneak you in so you can go and she beckoned both of us to follow her. I don’t know why I went too but I guess I would have done anything she told me. She led both of us into her house through the living room down a hall and into a bathroom where she closed and locked the door. Then she told the other boy OK you can go. He took his wiener out and started peeing in the toilet while the girl and I both watched. When he finished he put his wiener back in his pants and zipped them up. Then the girl said she had to go too and she pulled down her pants and sat on the toilet and started peeing.
I remember being fascinated and watching intently, especially when she stood up and wiped her privates. She pulled her pants back up and then told me it was my turn. Well I didn’t really have to go but for some reason I assumed I had to at least try so I got my wiener out but I couldn’t make anything come out because it was stiff and I remember the girl laughed and said I had an “erection”. I remember being embarrassed and putting my wiener away but then the girl asked us if we wanted her to show us something cool. She said it was called “fucking” and asked us if we knew about it.
I had heard that word of course and I think I had some idea that it was something nasty that adults did, but I’m sure she got blank stares from both of us. She said she would show us and she pulled down her pants again. She pointed to her slit and explained that we had to put our wiener in it. I remember feeling a rush of excitement when she said that and also disappointment when she asked the other boy if he wanted to try it and he said OK.
He got out his wiener again and the girl went close to him and got it with her hand and started kind of rubbing it against her slit. I was amazed but the girl said it wasn’t “fucking” yet because it was supposed to go in her and the boy needed to get an erection. Then she said she had an idea. She pushed her pants completely off and laid down on the floor with her legs spread apart a little bit and told the boy to get on top of her. He did and they proceeded to fumble around like that for what seemed like forever before the boy finally admitted it wouldn’t go in and the girl kind of pushed him off of her.
As he stood up and put away his wiener I remember the sight of that girl lying there on that bathroom floor breathing kind of like she was out of breath when she asked me if I wanted to try it. I remember agreeing without really understanding why and I remember that instead of pulling my wiener through my fly like the other boy I pushed my pants down and got down on my knees between the girl’s legs. I remember that I still had an “erection” as the girl had called it and that she was staring at it the whole time. I stopped there on my knees unsure of what to do and she told me to put it in her. I didn’t know exactly what “in her” meant as I didn’t see anyplace for my wiener to go but I tried to lie down on top of the girl and push my wiener into her slit.
I remember how weird and embarrassing it felt to get so close to the strange girl; the sight of her staring intently at me as I lowered myself toward her, the smell of her body, the smell of bubble gum, the shock of feeling her bare legs touching mine. I remember how quickly that all melted away and how suddenly comfortable I felt against her when she suddenly giggled with a twinkle in her eyes and wrapped one of her arms over me to welcome me against her. I was so mesmerized by her up close that I almost forgot what I was supposed to do but then I felt her other hand reaching under me and gently grabbing my hard little wiener, the first person besides me to ever touch it. I timidly pressed forward as she maneuvered my penis and adjusted her legs. Then she said “OK push it in”. I pushed forward and something HAPPENED! The girl made a strange sound and I would have immediately pulled away in confusion if not for the fact that she pulled me into her with her other arm and both legs and said “OK… It’s in…” Then she told me, “…but just hold still for a minute so my vagina gets used to it…”
It definitely felt like my wiener was “in” something. It felt like I had pushed my wiener into her pee hole! I don’t think we were still like that for more than a few seconds before she instructed me to “try going in and out of me”. I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant but I understood the “out” part so I pulled back and my wiener came completely out of her. I remember looking down at where my wiener had been and being surprised to see her slit was open and it was like a butthole and other stuff in there and she said something like “not that far out”. I felt her pulling me back toward her and I let her, and then my wiener was going inside her hole again and she said “OK you can go in and out now but not that far out…”
I started trying tentatively and timidly move my hips and she told me I could go a little faster. She asked me if I liked it and told her I did, probably with a response like “uh-huh.”
It felt good. I would like to say that some kind of magic happened here but I don’t think I experienced actual sexual pleasure. I certainly don’t remember feeling like I was building up toward any kind of climax or anything. I just remember that it felt really good.
I don’t know what the girl was experiencing while we did this, I just remember the smell of her hair as she giggled and pulled me against her and I remember getting the message that she wanted me to go faster and deeper so I tried to go faster and deeper.
I had probably only been “fucking” her for a minute or two when the other boy suddenly announced that he had an erection now and wanted to try it. The girl said simply OK and pushed at me indicating that I should get off of her. I remember feeling mildly disappointed. I pulled my pants up and fastened them as the other boy took his pants all the way off and climbed down onto the floor. I remember noticing that his erection was bigger than mine and feeling a little jealous of that for some reason.
I remember the girl saying stuff like “OK… no… wait… OK…” as they fumbled around on the floor again and I think he did get his penis inside the girl before there was a sudden jiggling noise of the doorknob that caused the girl to say “oh shit” and the other boy jumped up just as the door opened. There was the girl’s mother with a hair pin in her hand yelling furiously at the girl while she and the other boy tried to put their pants back on. Somehow in the middle of this I managed to get past and run out of the house. That wasn’t the end of it completely somehow my parents got wind of something and forbid me to ever go over to that house again. They never specifically said why but I knew it had something to do with what happened or what they knew about that girl that liked to teach little boys about “fucking”.
As evidence that I didn’t at the time perceive this as a sexual experience the next time I had intercourse was when I was seventeen with my girlfriend in high school and that would be the one that really counts because I knew what was happening.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience