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Too young to care.

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: His bedroom.
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was a sophomore in high school at the time and was dating my first serious boyfriend. He was a senior and I was very flattered when he asked to get to know me better and then later asked me to be his girlfriend.
I had only even gotten my very first kiss a month or so before dating this new boy. The boy that I would eventually give everything to.
Being sixteen and young and naive, I had thought that virginity was a joke. I didn’t care about my first time ever being special or anything. It was just something that would happen eventually.
The day that it happened, I went over his house and we were watching Disney’s Aladdin. (My favorite Disney movie at the time.)
We were kissing and cuddling and talking on his bed the whole time. Pretty soon, he was pulling at my clothes and removing his as well. Before I knew it, we were both naked and he rolled on top of me.
My heart was pounding when I realized what was going to happen.
He struggled for only a minute trying to put himself inside of me. I felt a lot of pressure and a strong pinching and almost cried out in pain but I resisted.
We didn’t look at each other during this encounter.
I didn’t enjoy the feeling whatsoever. A little less than fifteen or so minutes later, he pulled out of me and came on my stomach. After we cleaned up, we immediately went to go hang out with some friends, not so much as saying a word of what had just happened. I was shaking the whole time afterwards.
We didn’t discuss what had happened until a few days after. Now, he lives far away and we have each other’s numbers blocked and don’t keep in contact with one another. He was my first….mistake.

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