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True Love

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: My brothers apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, I tried time and time again only getting to 2nd base until I said the word “Will You Marry Me”? I guess you could say the pants flew off but I had to put a little fun into it. We started off by playing strip dominoes? What can I say, there weren’t any cards around. She let me win then the clothes came off. No foreplay, she was 18, I was 19….we didn’t need it. I went in like a gentleman, very warm, very wet, very tight. The good thing about it is I didn’t have a condom and I had the smarts to pull out. I married her 6 months later and have been married since. 25 years later, now we need foreplay, at least one of us.Ha ha.

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