Where it happened: Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My first time, I didn’t even feel guilty never washed off stayed bloody and filthy. Just layed their next to the girl all night kinda soaking it all in and feeling all right. I wasn’t even old enough to drive yet it was hell, I had to put her on my handlebars and dump her down a well. I tried to feed off that till I couldn’t anymore, by my 16th birthday my totally have grown to 4. When the lights went down then there wasn’t no stopping me, memorizing of my first real feeling. They found the second one all tied up just hanging from the celing. What I was feeling was just so dark and twiztid, I couldn’t believe I just did this. Now Im stuck in my very own private hell. Will I ever do it again? Only time will tell. Everytime I lay my ass down to sleep, I pray the lord these memories seace. Bloody face and the right breast taken but the first time what was I think? Just a rope and a pair of hands, I was a man but she kept talking man. Suffocation due to non breathing, I choke her for the very first time for no reason.First time my knife touched skin and it ripped blood, it started flowing so quick that I just couldn’t quite. I started stabbing till everything I seen was red. The pillows, the blankets, the wall and even the bed. One color dominating everything like a temporay, am I a killer or artist with bloody heart. Then I curled into a ball at the coner of the room feeling like a creep in the night in the light of the moon. Everytime I think about it I can still hear the shovel. Digging deeping in the dirt to try and hide the pain. I got away with something I regret in the end. The first person that I killed was my first girlfriend. Note to readers. This is only fictional and if you can not already tell, it is a song called ” My First Time” by Dark Lotus. So please do not take this seriosly. I did it to amuse myself and the fellow readers. So enjoy