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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: His Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Okay so I was a virgin til almost a week ago. Warning this isn’t some hot story of amazing sex, I actually find it funny. It was friday, my boyfriends birthday. I had only known him for about a week and a half. I had to work that day so I got dressed up before work so I could be ready to hang out with him after. I wore a little red plad skirt and black shirt. Everyone at work was asking if I was gonna fuck him, but I said no. Honestly it crossed my mind but then I figured I hardly knew him. Well when we were alone in his room I was on top of him and we were making out and grinding on eachother. He looked at me and said ‘I want you so bad’ I looked at him and just said lets do it. I figured I’m 19 always a good girl why not. Well he had to run upstairs because he keeps his condoms in a lock box and his keys were upstairs. So I slipped off my underwear *my shirt and bra already gone* but left on my skirt because I’m weird haha. Well when he finally came back we had sex, the thing only lasted for about 5 or so minutes. When he got off me I was laughing. I felt so bad for laughing at him but honestly I couldn’t help it, it didn’t hurt, it didn’t get me off, hell it was like nothing, and all I could think about was asking him to make me a sandwhich. He just looked at me as I laughed and said he hadn’t done it in a year and he was sorry, I had to lie and say I wasn’t laughing at him, that I was laughing because I was nervous *lie* I’m pretty sure he knew I was bullshitting. After that he drove me home. I guess we’re still dating although I haven’t actually seen him since that night but I’ve talked to him. But everyone was wrong, I didn’t ‘fall in love’ with him because he was my first. And sex was just well sex it really meant nothing haha. Now I plan to be a whore, not really, but I do want to have sex again, with someone else though, like someone bigger who can make it last haha.

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