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truth or dare

Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: freinds house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

One day i went to my friends house for a small pool party. It was just me my freind and 2 girls. When I got there I went into the bathroom to change into my bathing suit. I had all my clothes off and was just about to put on my suit and one of the girls walked in on me. I was so embarassed. She just stood there looking at me. Then she stepped in and closed the door and told me to stay naked. She told me she was going to make it even by letting me see here naked. She took off her suit and stood there. I had a major hard on. well, after a minute she got dressed and walked out. I got my suit on and went to the pool. We swam around for a while, but it really statred after we got out.

We all went inside to watch some tv and get somthing to eat. While we were watching tv one of the girls asked if we wanted to play truth or dare. My friend said that his parents weren’t home so we said yes.

We all promised to keep anything that is said or happens a secret. We all agreed and started. First the girls went. They asked my friend if he ever plays with himself. He said yes. Then he dared one of the girls would showw their tits and leave their top off the rest of the game. The girl that walked in on me said yes. She took off here top and displayed her early developed tities.

I don’t know about my freind but I got a real hard on. And i think one of the girls noticed because she dared me to show my penis. I said yes and pulled down my suit, and there it was sticking straight up, my rock hard penis. The girls looked and giggled Because they had never seen a penis up close before. I felt kind of embaressed but that feeling soon went away. It was my turn now. I asked one girl tto show use her vagina. She said ok and went ahead and got fully naked.

Then the girl with just her top on dared her freind to sit beside me and rub my penis. I was shocked but kind of happy! She came over and sat down and gently rubbed my rock hard penis. It felt so good. She stopped after a minute but still sat beside me. Then one of the girls dared me to put my penis on their vagina. I quickly said yes. I stood up and the girls walked up and moved my dick around on their vaginas. My freind said that he was going to got to bed but said we could keep playing(he is a great friend).

I then dared one of the girls to jack me off. They said yes and took turns jacking me off, it was the greatest thing in the world. Then one of them told me to put mt penis into her vagina. I said yes. She laid down and i straddled her and started to push it in. Shesaid it hurt but told me to keep going. It took a while because she was so tight but i got it all in. I went in and out in and out over and over again. After i was done with her i did it to the other girl in the ass. That was much easier but not nearly as good.

Well this went on all night. I never had sex with them again after that. But i will never forget my first time!!!

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