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Truth or dare

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Friends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Me and my friends where playing truth or dare and I told me friend “dare she said “okay then” the dare was to have sex with billy I said okay I walked put o him and he said okay he liked em so he was happy I had to do it in front I took off my cloths he did his I was gonna back out but then billy sucked my nipples I looked down at them my breast are pretty huge I asked him what the fuck billy did I tell you too he said shut up I was about to slap him when all the dudes from the group joined in! I was so happy I slapped billy and ran over to my crush I hugged him he hugged me back and we had oral while I turned to see billy putting his penis in my butt I was gonna slap him but my crush said “don’t just ign ore him I said okay but I just could not! I tried! Billy pushed me on the floor and sucked my nipples my crush was mad at him it was a fight over me billy beat my crush! Billy trapped me against a table I tried fighting him but I could not he did it I was crying for my crush my crush was laying their watching I was being abused kinda I manage to punch the jerk billy and went into the arms of my crush he had a bad scar between he abs but I did not care he put his penis in and bam I was horny I groaned my friends stared and said to my crush fuck her! I kissed my crush it was present but I don’t know where billy went

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