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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: friends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

WELL, I never thought my first time would happen like it did. I mean it was with the perfect guy but it just like wasn’t anything special like everyone makes it out to seem. I didn’t bleed either! thank god, cus i would have been soo embarrassed. But it happened when me and a friend (i’m using fake names) Tara stayed the night at her boyfriends house. Well me and her are bffs and so are our boys. Me and Trevor had our own room, so I went to bed and he came in there too. We were just laying there cuddling and talking and flirting for a while, and then we started making out. Which was nothing new for us we always made out. But I took his shirt off, and then took mine off. He wasn’t trying to rush me, but i wanted to. So then he stuck it in and it hurt SOOO bad! omgg. So i was like screaming, and we did it everywhere to try and make it the most comfortable for me! and right before he came we had been fucking for like 15 minutes, I was really taking it, and it JUST started to feel good, and he came. But we used protection, and he pulled out. But my first time sure was painful, but I will NEVER forget it, or the boy 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience