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Where it happened: Hotel room
Langauge: English
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Ok, here it goes.

We had actually planned it out. It wasn’t spur of the moment or anything. When the time came I wasn’t very nervous even though I felt I should be.

But just to let all of you girl virgins know, it really hurts like hell. Just expect that when you go in, but don’t be nervous about it. Keep in mind that it’s only for a moment, not for an eternity. It’s a really sharp, very unique pain and when you think to yourself that it’s going to get worse, it lessons to a bearable pain. Then it sort of feels nice. And then he came, so really it just felt nice. Then afterwards, sex gets so much better, especially with someone who cares about you. I really don’t have any regrets about it, because I did it with someone who cared about me and never pressured me. The first question he asked me afterwards was if I was OK, and if I felt like this was a mistake. Then he spent the next 4 hours with me. We cuddled and ate take out. Now that’s a good first time, which is why I firmly believe it’s always good to lose your virginity with someone who cares about you like that.

So anyway short and sweet. Sorry it isn’t soft porn.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience