Where it happened: Yosemite National Park
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Four years ago, when I was 16, my Uncle Mark (my Mother’s youngest brother) invited me to go on a hiking trip with him in Yosemite National Park. My Dad thought it was a good idea, but my Mom was not too sure. Anyway they both finally agreed to let me go. Uncle Mark was 25, nine years older than I was. He’s a college graduate, and an Assistant Professor at a community college not far from our town. The trip lasted two weeks, and we were entirely on our own. We each had a sleeping bag, and we took along a small tent that held the two of us, in case it rained at night.It was quite an adventure — very back to nature type of trip. Mark had done this several times before. When we needed to clean up, we took showers beneath a waterfall or skinny dipped in one of the nearby lakes.We dried off in the afternoon sun on a couple of light blankets we brought along.
For the first time in my life, I noticed what a really great body Mark had. He was very athletically built. At 6 foot, he could easily have posed for the David statue created by Michaelangelo.At night we just laid in the tent and talked — about a lot of things,including sex. On our second night out he confided in me that he was gay, and asked me if I’d ever had feelings like that. I told him I jerked off a lot, but had also fooled around with girls, so I didn’t think I was gay. One day, after swimming in a lake and drying off on our blankets the conversation got pretty intimate, and we both got hard-ons. He asked me if it was O.K. for him to suck my dick. I hesitated, but then I thought, what the heck, it can’t do any harm. I absolutely loved it!He let me cum all over his naked body, and it was quite thrilling — there all by ourselves — naked as jay birds and all that ejaculate shining in the sun on his abdomen and chest. Then he asked me to “make love” to him. Again, I hesitated, but then I did. First time I’d ever had my penis in a man or woman. First time I’d ever cum inside another human being. And it felt so damn good.
Those two weeks with Uncle Mark were the best two weeks I’d ever spent. It was an exhausting trip, and we were always tired at the end of the day. But not too tired to pleasure each other before we fell asleep at night. We sucked and fucked our way through Yosemite to the point where you could say we actually became lovers. My parents never found out.
The next three Summers we did the same thing — only in various locations. Now, I’m 20 and in college myself. I decided to attend the same college where Mark teaches, and we have some great times together.