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Under the Boardwalk…

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: On the beach on Cape Cod
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Well…I’ve always had a reputation for being a Don Juan, which is funny because I’d only been out with three girls before this. Anyway, last summer I spent a week at Cape Cod with my uncle, who owned a nice house up there in Wellfleet. We went to the beach one day and as I was sitting there preparing to go into the water, this other family comes and puts its blanket down near mine. They were a man, a woman, and their daughter.
So the parents go into the water right away, while the girl takes out this book and starts reading. I took a look at her. She was pretty cute, not what I’d call beautiful, but definitely attractive. She had long reddish-blonde hair and a nice body (sorry, no idea her bra size).
After a while, I walked over to her and asked what she was reading. She showed me, it was this science fiction book, “Earth Made of Glass.” I’m a big sci-fi fan (right now reading “Dune”), so we had something to talk about. She told me her name was Elaine. We talked for a while, then when her parents were coming back from the water, she asked me if I wanted to take a walk. I figured I knew where this might be heading, but since she was only 15, I didn’t know for sure. I said yes, and we started off.
Now, I’m also not the hottest guy around, but I do well, and I could tell she was shyly attracted to me in thst teenage-girl-type way. So we walked on for a while, talking, and then she stops right when we go around a bend so we can’t see the beach, and says, “Let’s walk back.”
I figured she’d been waiting for me to make a move, so I do. I say, “Let’s stay here and look at the waves some.” She agrees and sits down next to me.
I kiss her cheek softly, and she kisses me on the lips. We started frenching for a while, and I slid my hand up her top ( she was wearing a two-piece suit, not the ridiculously revealing kind but nice all the same). She lets me feel her tits, so after a while I slipped my hand down the back of the bottom of her suit, and bring it around to the front to feel her warm pussy, by this time getting wet. She moaned and lay back, and didn’t resist when I pulled her suit off.
She had some but not a lot of pubic hair, the same color as on her head. I lay down beside her and kissed her again. We stayed there looking at the sky for a bit, then she got up and went down to the water and washed off. When she came back up, she lay on her stomach on the sand with her head turned toward me. I got up and took off my trunks (byt this time I was nursing a heavy erection. I’m a good 8 inches, nothing ridiculous no joke, and when she turned over to watch me she kind of gasped. I lay down next to her and put my arms around her and under her top, which she took off. I then started to suck on her niples, which made her even more aroused. When I put my hand between her legs again she got up. I did too.
She asked me, “Do you want to have sex?”
I said, “I hadn’t thought about it. Do you?” She didn’t say anything so I added, “You invited me out here and let me take off your suit and feel you up.”
She said, “It’s just that I’m a virgin and if we do, I want you to be gentle.”
I lied and told her I’d done it before. She then let me lick her pussy, which I did. She got really wet and was moaning on the ground. I felt myself about to come so I pulled up and knelt over her. She held up her suit bottom, and I came into it.
She then slid toward me and took my dick in her hands and asked me, “Am I doing all right? Is this how it’s done?”
I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I drew on the knowledge gleaned from visiting this site and said, “You’re doing fine. You can suck it if you like.”
She started sucking my dick, and I was surprised how good she was. I asked her how she got so good at it and she pulled out and told me that at a party the spring before she’d goten drunk and this guy had made her suck his dick. I turned around and we 69ed for a while. I poked my finger into her pussy and felt her cherry.
When I felt myself ready, I broke away and asked her, “Are you ready?” She nodded so I turned around and lightly pressed my dick against her pussy lips. She nodded for me to continue, so I did. I pushed in until I felt her hymen pop, and she writhed in pain, but told me to keep going. I did, driving in 4 inches and back out, then 5, then stopped at 6. We lay there, my dick pulsing in and out, for a bit. She was crying, but obviously in ecstatic pleasure. When I felt myself ready to come, I pulled out and inched up onto her. She still had her suit bottom across her chest, so I came into it.
I lay on top of her, pleasuring her with my hands. I did that until she got wet again. After some more of that I stood up and gave her a hand up. We left our suits and went into the (felt freezing) water and washed off, then back up to where we’d been. I pulled on my trunks, she her top, and then loked at me and grinned at the bottom filled with come. She went back to wash that off, then linked arms with me and started walking back.
We didn’t talk much on our way back, just exchanged phone numbers and addresses. As she lives in Chicago and I live in New York, we haven’t seen each other yet, but we talk on the phone regularly.
(The guy who mader her suck his dick last year. I got her to arrange a meeting and I kicked his ass.)

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