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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: her flat
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had left school the previous June and after having a job for a short time I found myself unemployed. I went along to our local job center and signed on every two weeks I was required to sign on. The person I had to see at the job center was a girl called Karen. Karen was in her early 20s and was a nice girl every other week I would sign on then go down the road for a coffee. This particular day when I saw Karen she asked me what I had planned for the rest of the day, I told her that I was going for a coffee once I had finished at the job center then I thought I would spend the rest of the day in town. I signed my form and left. Karen smiled and said see you around. I was having my coffee in the local café and I was making it last, I was sitting on my own in a corner when this figure appeared next to me and I heard a voice say “can I sit hear” I looked up and it was Karen. I must have looked surprised because she said its “Ok I not checking up on you” then smiled. Karen sat down opposite me she was having coffee and a cake. We talked for a while Karen was telling me that the following week was her last week at the job center as her temporary contract had finished but she had another job to go to after she had finished. When Karen had finished her coffee she asked me if I had anything planned for that afternoon. I said I was just going home, Karen then said I know I got a cheek to ask but could I spare an hour to help her assemble some furniture I had nothing else planned so I agreed. We left the café and Karen drove us to her flat, it was a new flat over looking the river. Karen showed me the unit that needed assembling and found me a screw driver and a hammer. I started assembling the unit. Karen went off to the kitchen. When I had finished Karen came through and thanked me for my efforts and brought me a beer. We sat down and talked Karen told me that she had split up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago and it was great that I assembled the unit. When talking about her boy friend she started to cry so I tried to comfort her. Before long we were kissing and Karen was all over me. She then got up and holding my hand took me to her bedroom I must have seemed reluctant “she asked me if I was Ok” I said yes and she stripped to her bra and panties I must have stood with my mouth open as her lilac bra and panties came off. I was stripped down to my shorts and was soon naked. Karen worked on me kissing me and playing with my penis I was soon hard as she pulled me on top of her I was soon inside her but I only lasted a few minuets. I pulled out of her and she worked on me again I was soon hard this time she climbed on top of me and we started again after awhile she rolled off me and asked me to do her doggie fashion while after a little fumbling I managed it. We must have been going at it for an hour. Finally we lay exhausted on the bed. Karen went for a shower and returned wearing a pink robe she said I would have to leave as her mother was coming round. I quickly got dressed and left. I never did see Karen again at the job center and the new person was a ;lot older and had a resemblance to Kernel Clebb.

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