Where it happened: in a friend of mine's house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Well… technically i lost my virginity when i was 14 and i had had sex w/ just a few people after that, but i never orgasmed during my sexual encounters. My friend Jen is real wild. She sneaks out of her house at night all of the time. It’s like a thrill kind of thing and i love it. I stayed at her house one night when we were supposed to sneak out because her dad had went to the bar and was going to be passed out when he got home. My friend Jen and my other friend J.B. had been playing waterfalls getting drunk because Jen’s boyfriend didn’t call her that day and she was pissed because it was so late. I wasn’t drinking because it was beer and at least one of us had to be the sober one. Well, my friend ended up calling her cousin Josh (who was with his friend B.don at the time) to come and pick us up. I had met her cousin maybe a couple of times before and he was kinda cute. He came and picked us up around 11:45pm and we set off to b.don’s office. We stayed there for a while. Anyway, moving further along in this story… We all headed back to b.don’s house. They were all drunk except me. B.don had moved all of his furniture that day so there was only a mattress lying in the middled of the living room floor. My friend Jen’s cousin really wanted some pussy that night so he started just jokin around tryna get me to have sex with him. At first i didn’t want to because he was my best friends cousin but then when i noticed that she wasn’t really carin about it we put out our cigarretts and headed for the bedroom. At first it was really sweet. We were in a dark room with nothing but the moonlight showing through to give us light. I started to unbutton my pants and so did he. He moved closer toward me and started to kiss me while he was rubbin his hard penis close to my already wet pussy. He knew i was tight but that didn’t stop him. I layed down on the floor with him right between my legs. He slowly put his penis inside of me. It hurt at first because it had been a while for me but it started to feel really good afterward. He started kissing my neck while going in me. Then, he gradually went to my breasts. He then started rubbin my clit while he was drillin me. It felt so good i couldn’t keep my legs from shaking. I wanted to scream so loud but i knew if i did my friends would hear it all in the next room. He drilled into me so hard that i would move up and down with him. My head kept getting banged into a bed frame that was on the floor above me. Then after about 20 minutes on my back he told me to turn over. I turned over and he proceeded to beat it up. It was also my first time to be “hit from the back” in a different sence other than doggy style.( Guys ya’ll kno wut i mean). I didn’t really want to but he made me feel comfortable with him. Then he asked me if i had orgasmed and i had told him that i orgasmed atleast 5 or 6 times. I always thought something was wrong with me because i could never really feel anything… but boy when he came i knew. It was the best feel that was sent through my body! He stayed layin on top of me for about a minute or so before putting his clothes back on. It was tiring for both of us we went at it for about 45 minutes which the longest any guy has gone with me. Then i got dressed, went into the other room with my friends, smoked a cigarrette with my gurl j.b. and we left shortly after 4:30 am to go back to jen’s house. We snuck back in the house, almost gettin caught, and i went to sleep feeling satisfyed. I hurt for like a day after but it was all worth it to feel all that pleasure at one time. Damn i miss it all ready. It happened on October 22, 2006 and i wrote this on October 24,2006. still havne’t talked to him but hey a booty call is a booty call can’t expect much.