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Up in the air

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: airplane
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

My boss always used to take me on his travels as kind of a personal assistant. He liked it to not have to worry about many things he otherwise would have to and also just to have a travel companion.
On one of our trips, we went to Soeul, we had booked so late that we only got one ticket for both of us. But fortunately the airline was accommodating and gave me a seat in the very rear of the plane which is usually the row reserved for the flight attendants.
It was the first time I flew Korean Air and I was very impressed with how friendly the attendants were. They were also fairly young and really sexy as well.
Whenever I had a chance I would involve them in a little conversation and enjoy their presence, their looks, and their cute Korean accent.
After the meals were served, the plane became quiet as most people read something or took a nap. I fell asleep for a while and when I awoke, I realized that one of the flight attendants was sitting right next to me, otherwise this whole last row was empty. I got immediately aroused by the thought of becoming intimate with her, but dismissed it as very unlikely in this setting.
Instead I started some small talk and while we were talking, I looked at her face, her smile, her beautiful eyes, her lips that had just a little touch of red lipstick on them. After a while she took off her shoes and I saw her cute feet in the white uniform tights that she wore. “I imagine your feet are tired” I said “after so much walking and standing around.” “You are so right” she said. “I just need to give them some rest every once in a while. You don’t mind?” she asked and turned a bit to the side, putting her feet on the seat next to me, her legs over my lap. “Of course not” I said and was not lying! “I can give you a little massage if you like” I offered. She was all for it and a dream came true as I had these cute Korean feet in my hand, all covered with these shiny white tights and I gently and slowly massaged all parts of her feet, the soles, the arches, the toes, the top of the feet, the ankles and her heels. I noticed a little sweaty smell, but this turned me on even more. She really seemed to like the massage and then asked me if I could give her some more massages. She wanted some on her legs, her arms, her hands, and then we were really into business when I massaged her breasts thru her dress and bra and her crotch area. So far I could have stopped instantly if someone were to walk thru the aisle but now I took off her clothes, one by one, continuing my massage, and then helping with my tongue. She was all quiet, probably not to attract attention, but was clrearly very excited. I licked her beautiful firm breasts and dark nipples until they became hard and stood out quite a bit, then licked her pussy and clitoris until she was very wet down there. “I want you inside of me” she whispered and took off my pants and shorts, massaging my rock-hard cock with her cute hands and then sucking it real hard. Eventually she sat on my cock looking forward, so I could grab and massage her boobs some more. The feeling of my cock inside of this young Korean flight attendand was awesome and totally the best I ever had since. She first gently moved up and down my cock, squeezing it a bit with her vagina, and then I started to slam my wand into her harded and harder. The tricky thing for both of us was to stay quiet, so other passengers wouldn’t take notice. Finally we came together in a wild orgasm, she came 5 times and I exploded deep inside her.
After cleaning up, she returned to me and we had a long, juicy French kiss I will never forget. I don’t even know her name but will always remember her face, her voice, and our shared experience.

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