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Up! Up! and Away!

Age when it happend: 28
Where it happened: Hot Air Balloon
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

When I was in my late 20s and divorced from my first husband, I got to know this guy, Sam,who was in his late 40s and who was an airline pilot.In his spare time, he operated a hot air balloon ride company. I dated him for awhile, and on several occasions he took me for a ride in his balloon. It was a small basket balloon and only held 4 people. One evening, we both decided to take a ride by ourselves. Sam had a couple of friends who acted as helpers, who would assist in getting us airborne, and would then follow the balloon and make sure it had a safe landing. We launched from a field not far from where Sam lived. It was a beautiful evening. Plenty of wind. After we were airborne and had floated around awhile, Sam was kind of horny and asked me if I’d ever fucked in a balloon before. Of course I hadn’t. He said it was lots of fun, and so, on a dare,I decided to give it a try. Sam and I had fucked several times before, and I enjoyed his body, but this would be a brand new experience. I assumed he knew what he was doing and would manage to operate the balloon safely. So we both lowered our jeans and fucked while standing up against the side of the basket — as we glided along in the twilight. What a great experience! Sam managed to fire the balloon to keep us high enough so that we could float along while we enjoyed the most fantastic sex we’d ever had.When we landed, it was nearly dark, and we ended up many miles from where we started. The helper-spotters helped bring us in as we dropped the ropes down. Then we packed up the balloon and basket, put it in his little trailer, and headed for a motel, where we fucked for the rest of the night!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience