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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: bathroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

There was a guy I’d had a mad crush on Junior and Senior year of high school. We had never done too much more than kiss. The summer after graduation I was out, wandering around town, not doing much. He showed up in his black pickup, I hopped in and we drove to his house. We sat on the couch and started fooling around. I had never really heavy petted before so I was pretty nervous.
After a while we went to the bathroom. I thought, “Oh my God, my first time in the bathroom?” As a high schooler, I had read my share of romance novels and was not expecting this. More kissing, and he ground himself against me, then left, saying he’d be back. I think I said something stupid like “Should I take off all my clothes?” I don’t recall what he said.
He came back and undressed, except for his socks(I think). I had taken all my clothes off. He had me lie down on the bathroom rug, and he slapped a condom on and climbed on board. Boy, oh boy did it hurt! I thought, “When will this end? He’s killing me!” Finally it was over, he asked if it was romantic for me. We got dressed, I felt very disappointed,very sore, and embarrassed when I discovered a blood stain on the bathroom rug.
A year later, I slept with him again and that was on his sagging twin mattress. After that, I never slept with him again. I spent some time having lousy sex until I met my husband and truly discovered the joy of oral sex with the man you love.

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