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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: In the Fields
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was on vacation with my family and we visited one of my Mom’s old friends from school. I was 14 at the time and my mom’s friend had a 17 and a 13 year old daughters. I stayed up and was playing video games when the 16 year old appeared. She was very blunt with what she wanted. She said she had done it for the first time a week ago and she wanted it again. So, even though I had no clue what to do, I obliged her. She took my hand and lead me through her back yard into a field that was abandoned by a farm owner a few years earlier. She told me to lay down and she took off my shirt, shoes and socks. Then she slid off all her clothes except for her bra and panties. Then she slid off my pants. I was very hard and she began to feel my dick through my boxers. She then took off her bra and allowed me to feel her breasts. Then she took off her panties and my boxers and guided my dick into her pussy. It felt great! We did it twice. Then I saw a flash light coming from her house and I assumed it was her parents and we were dead, but instead it was her younger sister. She knew what we were doing, and I assumed she would tell her parents. But instead she wanted to join in. She however, was a virign, so the first time, she was in a lot of pain, or at least she said so. But after a while, especially when the older sister rejoined, it became great. We did it until sunrise. My parents didn’t know why I slept all the rest of the way to the beach that day.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience