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vacation luv

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

ok so i just had sex for the very first time on January 1, 2010. It was on new years day and it was not really what I expected, but it didnt come as a surprise either. It was just blah. So, this is how it started. That summer, I had already finished my first year of college and I was a good girl. I never went to parties, I never drank or anything. I began talking to my dad, which I hadnt seen for ten years. He told me he would pay for me and my brother to go see in at Puerto Vallarta. I said ya, he sent me money, but my brother couldnt go, so I just went. I was having a blast there. That summer I met this guy. The love of my life I believe. We would just play around. You know sports, make jokes, play agressively. I was just having fun. I didnt see it coming. I was so oblivious. I do not have any experience with guys, so I did not know anything. One day we were just hanging out. He would always give me kisses on the cheek, but I thought it was nothing. I thought it was normal, until one day he tells me. “I really want to kiss you… in the mouth.” I was like uh no. And we left it at that. I continued to be normal with him, then again one day he kissed my cheek again and I just turned around and kissed him in the mouth. I was so nervous and scared, that I pulled away. He then grabbed me and he wanted to keep going, but I told him no. We were in his gradparents house. We then began to makeout even more and more. I stayed with my grandma and he came to my house, we made out and he wanted to see me without clothes. I told him I would feel very wierd. Everything was so new to me. I removed my shirt and he began to kiss my chest tenderly. Then he would hump me. But through the clothes. I laugh because its funny, now that I remember. I told him no. He begged me to let him in at least one slide. Then we left. His family is really good friends with mine, so one day I stayed to sleep there and we were making out. Then he’s all like this is all we do just make out, no action. So then I pull his pants down and I begin to give him a blowjob. He had never been given a blowjob and I had never given him one either. I actually liked. I thought it was going to smell bad or something and he really liked it to. I also remeber when I first saw his penis. At first I couldnt see it. I felt so wierd. It looked really wierd and big. It was also hard for me to grab his penis to. The first time I was scared, I touched it, but through his boxers. Then I finally had the guts to grab it bare. Haha. Man we went really slow. Then by the end of the summer I gave him his final blow job and he came in my mouth, which did not taste bad. He had told me way before I began giving him blow jobs, that he loved me. I couldnt believe it. I wasnt in love with him at the momement. All I told him was that he doesnt know about love and that what we are doing is just for fun. Man was I a jerk. He got mad. But by the end of that summer, I told him that I was in love with him to and he told me the same thing. Then we saw eachother again during winter break. I was awkward at first. He didnt really know how to act towards me. We were just in the couch sitting and I asked him if he still wanted to keep going and he said yes, so we kissed. And from then on things began to heat up even more. We made out like crazy and I gave him oral and I actually let him grope me in all places. I even let him finger me. Then one day he tells me, that he is tired of waiting. I was really pissed off at him. He tells me he is giving me a week until we have sex and if we dont, it over. I was so mad and depressed, I hated him so much. Then one day, we make out again and he asks if were going to do it. so I get really mad at him and I pull my pants down and tell him just get over with it. He tells me not to get all mad. And I say Well thats what you want. Then he grabs me and says something funny, and I laugh. He then says, see I like to see you laugh and he kisses my forhead. But I am still pissed off at him. The week goes by and he doesnt say anything. So then new years comes and his family has a huge party. My grandma and I go. We eat and drink, tequila. It was fun. I wore this short shirt and a black top. He is upstairs, watching tv, while everyone is down stairs. I go upstairs and watch tv with him. We then began to makeout. He then asks me to let him lick me down there, which he has been beging for since summer. And I told him are you sure, and he’s like ya. So I say okay. So he lifts me up and carry’s me to the bedroom, but not just any bed, his gradnparent’s bed. He lies me on my back and starts licking me. I felt really wierd. It felt good, but not orgasmic. I told him while he was doing it, “You can stop, its all gross down there.” He said, “no I like it.” And I kept on saying “Im embarrassed, are you done?” Then he says no and he sounds really horny. and he pops he penis out and puts it on the surface of my vagina. I was so scared It caught me by surprised, he took the advantage that I was exposed, that bastard. hahaha. So I tell him no, but he begs, so let him, but underwear were still on. He pulled my panties to the side. He tried to go in me, but it was so hard. He grabbed my legs and tried to do this position that came out from some porno film. He grabbed my legs and put them on his shoulders I would wiggle around so much and his legs were trembling, trying to keep himself balanced. Then as he began to go in, it began to hurt… a lot. I would say it hurts, it hurts, and he would freeze. Then he started again and I would hold him tight toward me. Then I suggested we try me on top. He sits on the bed and I try to go in him, but it hurt like hell. Like someone was percing through my body. I begin to kiss him and gasp for air, not because I was all horny, but because I was in pain. I really tried, but then we stopped, he turns on the lights and his penis is sticking out, and he goes to the bathroom and I ask him, what he’s going to do. He says he’s going to get rid of his erect penis and I ask him why and he says because it feels uncomfortable. But before he goes to finish off he shows me how deep he went. The tip barely got in, the tip. Then we go back to the couch and I ask him “what is that we just did? Am I still even a virgin?” And he says,”I guess we fucked, and only you know if your a virgin anymore.” It was so strange. Im not even sure that counted as my first time, stating the fact that the tip barely got in. Then the nex day we try it again, but this time from behind and this time, it went in about half way. Then another night he took me home and my grandma was outside talking to some neighbors, he comes in to use the bathroom. And I take my shirt off and start rubbing him and stuff, I take off my pants and he then tells me to take off my underwear. He grabs my legs, spreads them open and puts it in. It still hurt, hes just there trying to do something, but I keep telling him that it hurts, I kiss him and stuff, but then he pulls out and says that it hurts him to. We didnt know I had to be moist so it wouldnt hurt that badly. I then suck his penis and to my surprise the pain went away, sort of. Then he pulls out again and and tells me to turn around, but I tell him no, in a begging sort of way because it hurts, so he says fine but at least to let him finish. I tell him ya, and he pumps away, he grabs my shoulders and pumps. Then he pulls out and starts jacking off and within 5 seconds he squirts. He said it was almost going to comeout and since we werent using protection, well he had to do that. Then it was done. I really hope it gets better, god I do. He really needs to get better, cuz ya its not fantastic. I thought it was going to be much nicer, I thought it was going to be sort of romantic, but that jerk went cheap on my. Hate him. The first time (I think) we did it during new years eve. I asked him why he wanted to do this and all he said was because it was special, for him. And He had to think about it because he was to busy licking me down there. “I was like oh yea, so special, yes were trying to have this intimate moment in your grandparents badroom, while there are a bunch of drunk people downstairs and loud music. Yes it is very special.” But you know what I dont regret it, Im actually glad I did it. It was with the guy I am in love with, as akward and bad as my first time was with him, it was with the guy I am madly in love with. I cant wait until I see him this summer. I asked him if he will wait for me and he said yes. So we’ll see.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience