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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: The Piss Hole
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was a senior in high school, impulsive, thrill-seeking and eager to lose my virginity ie. horny. I was more often than not doing things I wasn’t supposed to be doing because it was more interesting and exciting than sitting my ass down for class and to do homework. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, or where I wanted to go, so skipping class, drinking, smoking and socialiazing were at the top of my list. I only ever cared about school when it was convenient for me.
Anyway, I had met this guy when I was studying in the library. He had a reputation of being a greasy, flirtatious guy who had a big ego he was always looking to feed. He was ugly as he was charming. We got to talking and I began to really value his friendship as he was funny and relatively sweet.
We soon spent our days together, flirting, making out and by the end of the week, I found myself drunk as fuck during the school day, by an apartment bulding stairway known as the Piss Hole, demanding that he fuck me.
I don’t really remember it. I mostly remember my skirt and panties around my feet, pressed against a graffitied wall and his hard cock pushing inside of me. I was bleeding, but I just stood there and let it happen.
We had sex a couple other times, except I was sober. I really wish I wasn’t because the sex was horrible. We had a mutual break-up and I’m glad that I’ve gotten him out of my life. If I hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t have met the 2 random one-night stands who have given me the greatest sex I’ll ever have.

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